We welcome visitors by APPOINTMENT
BTW we rehome goats or if you have any Goats you would like to sell please give us a call – We also have mini pet goats and Pygme Goats for sale.
“Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains un-awakened”
Tampa Florida – 813-263-7411 patodor@gmail.com
3/22/17 Pregnancy Toxemia Magic
3/7/16 Great Article on the care of Baby Goats a must read if you have baby goats.
9/13/2015 We had a nice visit from the Luria family today and here is a video of their youngest son feeding my goats
5/04/2018 Family visiting our Ranch and playing with the goats and donkeys

Bela had twins on March 17 2015 and she is eight years old. She has trouble with nursing her babies so we have had to bottle feed them. I thought you might be interested in looking at the system we use so here is a picture of it, the bottle holders are made by Zefal and we bought them at WalMart:
Goat Bloating is common, read “How to treat it”
Our baby goat had the scoures and here’s what we did
Edible & Poisonous Plants for Goats
Information on shipping goats international
July 2013 Professor Bola Adesogan at the University of Florida Animal Science just wrote an article of using Papaya Seed to eliminate Barber Pole Worms
Take a look at my Boer Goats eating Citrus Pellets – 3/7/14 I have stopped feeding Citrus Pellets because they got too expensive.
If your having trouble with worms you might want to check out this book
Raising Boer Goats, How do you get started? Click this link
Boer Goats Ranch developed for showing, FFA and 4H (by the way we have a guarantee “Buy Back Program” for all FFA and 4H Students) and the best meat goat on the planet is what we intend on breeding and raising on our Boer Goats

Ranch. Our Boer Goats Ranch is located in beautiful Tampa Florida. We bought our first Boer Goats in July 2009. If you have some suggestions please leave us a comment. You may reach me at patodor@gmail.com or give a call at 813-263-7411 At this time Feb 2011 we have a herd of thirteen does (eleven full bloods and 2 unregistered ) and a beautiful Full Blood Ruger son Buck, all are Boer Goats. To view a video of our ranch see below. If you would like to get in touch with us you may call at 813-263-7411 or patodor@gmail.com. Medication for Goats, folks this is a great website for all of us.
We had a visitor first week of November this year and if you would like to see a short video of this Boa click here.
Boer Goat Vaccination Schedule
Visit “The Goat Spot” for more information on Breeding and Care of Goats
Video or our Boer Goats Ranch – The first Video is our New Feeding System
Annie eating a Tangerine
Boer Goat giving birth
Goat worming Goat Biology A Boa in our backyard Tapeworm Treatment
I am happy to tell you that Boer Goats Ranch was chosen for the 2018 Best of Tampa Awards in the category of Ranches. The Best of Tampa Award was created to acknowledge the best businesses in our community.
For additional information please visit us at:
If needed for reference – your code is: DKM5-UBMW-ET33
Blake Thompson
Best of Tampa Awards